Core Principals


Establish a complete bicycle network for all users

In order to create a truly bicycle-friendly community, a complete network of bike lanes and safe streets is necessary. Too often communities try to put in a couple disconnected bike lanes. This leads to a sort of island effect where people don’t feel comfortable crossing from one neighborhood to the next. A proper bike network limits points of conflict throughout the city and provides a safe direct route for bicyclist to reach their destination.


Collaborate with community partners to spread the benefits

In order to reach our goals and built a community built at a human scale requires input from all stakeholders within the community. This includes government, non'-profits, local businesses, and everyday citizens. Prioritizing safe streets often goes beyond just social benefits and often brings in more local business and a well built street is a safer street for all.


Built an inclusive bicycle and pedestrian friendly culture

Streets are for people. The urban core and built-up areas should be inclusive of everyone, no matter what age or ability they may have. We also strongly believe that getting outside of the automobile and having real human interaction is a value that has become somewhat lost in a society that prioritizes speed above all else. Sometimes it is important to slow down and get to know your neighbors.


Connect urban parks to commercial centers

Too often bike and pedestrian infrastructure is an afterthought or something that city planners just want to tack on to the car-dominate infrastructure that has been built in the past. This infrastructure is often not built to be a coherent network of both green spaces and popular destinations for people. A true network of connected places that are inviting, comfortable, and attractive are key to the city of the future.